Make Room

This evening, I attended a book signing about  minimalism. I enjoyed the message and it had me thinking about how to foster my own growth in my minimalism journey. Specifically, I asked myself about the old clothes I am holding on to at the back of my closet — the outfit I graduated college in and a pair of jeans I wore in 2003. I don’t intend to wear any of those pieces in public again but I am waiting and working for the moment where I can try them on again with the confidence that they’ll fit.

But even if it does fit, I won’t be that person who used to wear them. It won’t feel the same. I won’t be that age. My body will be older. So why the emotion attached to them?

After tomorrow’s grueling morning workout, I am going to fish those clothes out and find a new home for them. I don’t think they live here anymore.

It is time to make room for the things that actually do.



A Second Job

I was having a conversation with a co-worker today about your house looking exactly the way you want it to.

Neither of us are in that position. We both talked about taking steps to get it and keep it that way including organizers and repairs and adding small things like a house plant.

In the midst of our talk, she stated something profound:

“I don’t want to come home to a second job.”

That was deep for me! I have come home more times than I care to admit to clothes not put away, a cluttered kitchen table or spying something broken that we’ve been “meaning to fix”.

I have given away clothes, books and thrown away broken or dilapidated items we no longer use but I know there is more to be done to reach my minimalism goals.

The older I get the more I realize I want my home to be a reflection of my ideal mental state: tranquil and balanced with an appreciation for beauty.

I have had good days but no days where every room looks, feels and smells the way I want all at the same time.

I don’t know if it’s completely attainable without pretending like it’s an open house every day but I certainly intend to consistently try.